Barbie and the Brats could use some furniture for their new house... How about making it for them?
2. Select a pattern from one of the Citations/Sources below.
3.Cut pieces from plastic canvas as indicated.
4.Cut pieces from clear plastic canvas to use as reinforcement throughout.
5. Stitch center "colored" area of each pattern piece through BOTH layers of canvas...clear AND white.
6.Assemble pieces and stitch together along the edges.
7.Sew cushions for the furniture with your machine and lightly stuff them as desired. Slip stitch the openings closed.
There are so many patterns out there. Choose one and follow it's directions.
Things You'll Need
six or seven sheets of white 7-count plastic canvas
three sheets of clear, stiff plastic canvas 12" x 18"
worsted-weight yarn in any desired color
1/4-yards small print fabric
small amount of quilt batting
No.16 tapestry needle
sewing machine, matching thread, sewing needle